Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Flickr Faves

I don't do Flickr Faves too often any more, but I do like it, and when I read one of Mitsy's twitter posts this morning, it reminded me... so here it is, in all its Autumny-orange glory- a completely subconscious choice which I wasn't aware of until I looked at the finished mosaic!

Flickr Faves

1. Surprise in the Tree: cute cats, 2. love chart pouch, 3. small embroidery book, 4. Retro Glasses Frames, 5. Angel Suzie, 6. Helichrysum 'Burnt Orange' Strawflower (Macro), 7. Paper Butterfly Earrings, 8. class, 9. Love is All Around Us - detail

Some very inspiring photo streams to be found amongst this lot. You can play along too at Art Mind, and be sure to check out La Pomme! Some very cool stuff to be found there as well!




Mitsy/ArtMind said...

The more spring it gets here, the more fall for you ofcourse! I hope to see more orange (read: sun) here too though! :)
Lovely to see your fav's today - don't worry about not playing often - it's supposed to be fun and when things get too hectic, it sometimes is just too much & not fun! ;) Feel free to play whenever!
I love the class picture! I think that's one of the coolest I've seen today! :)

Brittany said...

I likey! You have great taste. ;)

barbarix said...

beautiful colors!!

Giselle said...


Lesley said...

Hello Rebecca,
Just found your blog by who knows how – and had to tell you I'm so in awe of all you design and create.
After a lifetime of sewing and other crafts, I'm two weeks into making my first ever soft toys since being a kid in England in the 1960s and making "gonks".
I feel an inexpressible contentment each time I finish one and see its face.
So far, after making prototypes, taking them to bits, altering them, re-doing them and so on, they've been bears, with one sinister-looking bunny for my grand-daughter (didn't have time to change its expression!).
But my mind is beginning to light up with ideas.
Wish I could get to the markets and see your stall.
Hope you have a great Easter break!