Finders Keepers was seriously amazing! I don't know where to start or finish with the praise... the organisation was impeccable, it looked and felt awesome, it sounded awesome, and when the farmers market was running on Saturday morning, it even tasted awesome... Joe returned with a big grin on his face and some amazing chocolates made with native ingredients like lemon myrtle and wattle seeds... and coffee and passionfruit... so good!
Friday night was particularly fast paced, and whilst Joe managed to get some photos I don't seem to be standing still in any of them... luckily I had Riyo helping out, who described the experience as an intensive language lesson, which I think is good since she's studying to be a Japanese/English translator!
The theme was woodland, and the decorations were fabulous, this was the view from my stall, and I could see little people playing in the mushrooms with the caterpillars and butterflies all day long. Also note the funky knitting decorating the concrete polls in the background. I always naively thought people knitted around the polls and trees and stuff, but it turns out that they knit big squares and sew them together onto the polls and trees and stuff-- of course this makes much more sense now that I know...
For now, I'm exhausted, and I know that I must have looked bleary eyed all day yesterday, but it was just such a big event, and I'm a lounge dwelling, homing pigeon... I'll post more about all the cool people and stuff I saw during the week... so much to tell, and a big thank you to all the online people I've been dealing with for so long who came and said hello! :)
sounds fantastic! i can't wait to check out that market one day, i keep hearing how good it is.
hi, i am glad that i was a bit of help. it was really fatastic to be there interacting lots of people who love crafting or crafty things...i was talking with some other people who visited the finders keepers at glebe...about how the show was organised!!
hope to see you in 2 weeks!(i probably will be at glebe on 22nd!)
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