Thursday, September 17, 2009

A hard day's work...


Henry is slightly confused about everything being so tidy...

Miss Abigail

But Abigail is happy...


And Sofia is happy...

the blinky box...

And the up & coming blinkies have a well-ordered new home...

it's clean!

I know where all the cotton is...

bobbins... all tidy!

And where all the bobbins had gotten too...

as tidy as it'll ever be

And the fabric is as tidy as it's ever going to be.

But Joe just smiled and asked how long will it last... I give it about 36 hours!



Nikki/WhiMSy love said...

That's funny---my hubby says the same sort of thing when I clean up my studio!

Sarah said...

You just tell him that if it's tidy it means you're not crafting!

CurlyPops said...

Dontcha just love a clean craft space - so many possibilities!

Mitsy/ArtMind said...

I love your space & all the neatness you created! I do the same every so often en it just inspires me as I find new things that got buried underneath all the mess...
Enjoy the newt 36 hours... :)

Peta said...

want to come clean my place? hehe