Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My Christmas Wishlist...

All completely practical, necessary, sensible things that I need to be one of the cool kids...

Cat stamp

Relaxing Kitty stamp, available here.

Locket ring

Locket ring... I LOVE lockets! and rings! and little flowers! Available here. It's actuall pretty safe to say I'd happily take anything in this shop...

Fox scarf

Does it get cutter than this??? I doubt it very much, and in this loopy weather I shouldn't even be thinking about scarves, but this one is so perfect on so many levels! Available here.

Sewing machine

What more can I say?? Available here.

Happy Tuesday-- yay to cool weather again today... shame about the climate...


1 comment:

Deana said...

Oh. My. God. I HAVE to have one of those locket rings!! Soo cute! I'm actually frantically clicking the button to add it to my online wishlist as I type this (which, by the way, you should totally check out if you love etsy as much as I do--I use myregistry.com)! Thanks for sharing!