Monday, November 23, 2009

Pretty things at Glebe...

pretty pretty! 

I mention Riyo on my blog sometimes, and some people may be wondering who she actually is... well, I had my camera at Glebe on the weekend, and I whilst I didn't manage to snap up a picture of the girl herself, I did get lots of shots of her lovely, vibrant work--

felted bangles

So soft and fine!

felted creations

Riyo's stamps

Riyo's stall

Riyo's jewellery

I spend any spare time I can find loitering around this stall-- it's all so interesting to me, all so different from what I do, and fascinating! But this isn't everything... Riyo shares her stall with Ako, who I watched doing some of her felting on Saturday, and this is what she makes:

Ako's stuff


felted candle holders

And because wool is such a slow burning product, you can do all kinds of things with it!

I hope you enjoyed my tour of the stall! :)



Jess said...

hmmm yes, after we spent a fair amount of time loitering at your stall, I went and visited Riyo, everything was so pretty! I couldn't make up my mind what I wanted to get. A trip back before x'mas is on the cards! jess xx

riyo said...

thanks for the photos and mention!
we all survived that heat!!
see you soon!

lexi said...

Wow so pretty. Which market are you at next? And do you have any Spring Lambs left? Me LIKEY!