I can't believe that it is ALREADY Friday again! My Fridays are generally chaotic-- running around getting all the bits and pieces sorted for Saturday, but having been sick all week, today was unusually chilled out-- I have hardly any toys to finish up because I've made hardly any this week... luckily I have an emergency stockpile!

Lack of energy and embroidery get on quite well it turns out!

These dolls are not back ups, they're custom orders-- pink themed dollies for pink loving little ones, which is usually a colour I try and steer clear of, too many cliches, but I decided to go with it this time, and had some fun, resulting in this new little one which uses up the last of the precious fairy fabric I got from my Nanna's collection recently. I LOVE HER... and she's the first Dew Drop Girl I've decided I must have... a couple have come close, but I think the fabric makes her a little bit special.

Happy Friday-- 2 weeks till Christmas-- can you believe it?? I can't-- and I'm learning that craft and blogging and Christmas are not the best of friends-- blogging is sharing-- presents are all about keeping secrets! I guess I can always share after Christmas...
P.S. I'm going to start emptying out my etsy shop and using some of the stock for the markets over the next couple of weeks, so let me know asap through email or etsy convo if you NEED something-- and I'm very happy to do express or registered mail-- just write it in the purchase note! :)
the embroidery detail is just darling!
Beautiful pieces. Love the embroidery. Hope you're on the mend!
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