Sunday, March 28, 2010

Even Better!

Magic Bunny

Picture by Pocket Canival

Wow! After some tummy churning decisions and serious negotiations with friends, market neighbours, and market organisers, I have a new plan. I'll be doing Glebe every second week in my regular spot under the COLA (covered area) for the next little while just to see if this extra time allows me to do all the other things I want to do. I must say, I am a little relieved, I have come to love all my new creative friends, and I really love treats such as the one I had yesterday, which was being opposite the most beautiful fabric I've seen in a long time-- it was from Senegal, and it came in yardage, it came in dresses, shirts, baby clothes... it was lovely! And things like that inspire me.

Funnily enough, instead of having the next weekend off, I'll be doing Surry Hills Market with Riyo, which I am very enthusiastic about, and I always like spending the day with Riyo!

So this is the schedule for the next little bit:

April 3: Surry Hills Markets
April 10: Glebe Markets
April 24: Glebe Markets

Hope your Sunday is good to you!


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