Tuesday, March 16, 2010

So Frenchy, So Chic??


Cute? I think so. I found it here, amongst an array of very, very cute crochet patterns. I'm quite taken with the hedgehog and pirate panda patterns too. I just need to learn to crochet first...

And if you type Marie Antoinette into Etsy you'll find 104 pages of strange, but curious delights-- some of which are utterly frightening to be honest-- but some, like this one, are very sweet!

Hope Tuesday is good to you-- I can't believe that I'm already eating hot cross buns!?!



Kirsty said...

If you figure out how to crochet please share. I've tried and tried, thought I was being successful but no. Grrrr

Christy said...

Oh dear me, how cute is that? I've been trying to learn how to crochet but no success yet.

Virginia said...

Cute! Love it.
Thanks for the link. :)

Virginia said...

Also, if you do try to knit or crochet from US patterns, keep in mind that Australian and British terms in each craft are different from US ones...