Sunday, April 22, 2012

Kids Clothes Week: Reality


I have been playing around all week with stretch fabrics on my sewing machine. I have been looking up how to, and I'm finding that it isn't as difficult as I thought. Earlier in the year, feeling inspired by some Ottobre sewing success, I got all excited and cut out a t-shirt pattern for Elka, I sewed on the ribbing and then it just sat there in the pile for 4 months. The Ottobre instructions were for an overlocker, which I have, but I have no idea how to use/no space to set up, and I started looking around the net to try and find instructions, and what I found all seemed rather baffling and discouraging of bothering to sew stretch fabrics with a regular sewing machine... but then I read this post by Yana, which led me to this book my Meg McElwee, and I started to understand what to do. I also found this great YouTube clip which explains about using twin needles, which led to me breaking a twin needle on the first stitch, but that was my fault, and nothing to do with the clip! And so, using zig zag, I have managed to make Elka her first homemade t-shirt, I was so excited that I used fold over elastic instead of ribbing because that's all I had on hand, and so it has a strange 'Star Trek' vibe going on, but it is completely functional, and stretchy and the stitches seems sturdy enough. Now I have some nice 100% cotton adult t-shirts that I picked up at the op shop, and I will be making some shirts and pants from them, and I have actual ribbing too, so I'm hoping that by the end of the week I will have conquered my stretch fabric fears. Fingers crossed!

sew liberated tee



Caroline said...

Nice work! The spots look so cute. This is something I really want to attempt soon for my little one. Did you follow along the series of posts on knits on Made by Rae?
Lots of good tips and tricks there too. Now, back to the machine for me while time allows!

Yana said...

great job! i'm glad you found my post useful :)