Sunday, March 28, 2010

Because paper letters are nice


And ink-jet printers are great! You can download this little letter set here, it'll be in the sidebar under 'freebies' from now on. The size is A4, but if your printer doesn't have that setting, just set to US letter, and it'll scale it down ever so slightly to match your paper.

Enjoy, and thank you for all your lovely comments and emails all the time! I read them all!



Renee said...

these are gorgeous! Now I just have to get away with printing them on the colour printer at work! hehe!

Brianna said...

They are gorgeous. Thank you so much, I can't wait to use them.

Gret said...

Aw! Lovely. ps. I just got this months notebook mag...what a lovely article! Well done. :)

Eugenia210 said...

What a nice paper latters!!!. I will use them a lot. Thank you so much!!
All the best from Argentina.

midge said...

you are so right, paper letters are very lovely and these are the best. been looking around for notebook and as yet haven't picked up a copy. i am hoping to grab one later today

Kirsty said...

Cute as. I like them. A lot.

Clair Acres said...

Thank you! My seven year old daughter is loving practising her "best handwriting" on such pretty paper.

Virginia said...

Ooh, thank you for giving instructions on how to deal with incredibly crackheaded American paper sizes. :)
That is so cute! Going to go print some for my daughter now.

Rachel said...

Aww, that is darling! Thanks so much for adding this to the One Pretty Thing Flick pool. I'll be linking in my next Printable Roundup.

Christy said...

This is super adorable ! Thank you mucho Rebecca!

linda said...

Super cute! Found you through oneprettything, thanks for sharing!