Monday, May 4, 2009

Business Plan: approved!

postcard n.1

postcard n.2
Something good is happening at least. I got a letter today confirming that my business plan has been approved, and I can start operating. I'm a bit confused though, because I still haven't heard back from insurance brokers I rang to get quotes from weeks ago, and I haven't got my ABN yet... I have no idea if this is normal or not?!? I guess I'll have to do some chasing...

I was planning to be at the markets within 3 weeks, but since I lost a week, I think it's reasonable to push that back a week... I just want to have my Etsy shop happening... I have bug fronts overflowing and am just waiting on some fabric labels that I ordered from France to arrive in the post, so that I can finish them up, all professional like!

P.S. look at my business card, and the postcards I've been making... just have a website to build...


xxx, B.

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