I haven't written about little H in a while. He's a funny little guy... he has taken to adventuring around the corridor of our apartment block... he scratches at the door endlessly now and wants to be there at all hours. We have had to build pillow barriers around the door some nights so that we can sleep and so that the neighbours don't think we've kidnapped someone with sharp claws. He used to be so uninterested in the space outside that door, and when we'd take him downstairs to explore the trees and dirt like normal cats do, he was so overcome with anxiety that he'd just huddle in my lap... I'm hoping that this new found curiosity and sense of adventure will mean that he's more interested in the grass and the dirt this summer.

His other favourite place is this box, and his new favourite thing is an old quilt that my Gran gave me a while back. We've tried nice boxes, he used to claim Joe's chair and often my new fabrics, but since this faded yellow quilt came into the flat, he can't get enough of it... no matter where it is, you'll find him there. And he's always had a thing for cardboard boxes, they can be sat in as well as scratched and that's all rather exciting if you're a cat apparently. When I combined the two last week he looked at me in disbelief... the quilt inside the box, he hopped in and checked it all out and looked up again... he went from playing games to sleeping in this comfy new place just like it was an activity in itself, which I guess it is when you're a cat!

And so, I have the box on the table in my sewing space, and we spent most of Friday just hanging out together... me sewing, ironing and carrying on, Henry all snuggled in his box with his quilt in the sun. There was lots of purring involved!
Henry is beautiful!
Our cat loves boxes too & she loves to crawl into closets too...
Hm, do you subtly reference the writings of O. Henry here? Your blog post title made me think of a little book of obscure short stories we have buried on our bookcase somewhere. Regardless, your Henry is puuuurfectly cute in those pics.
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