Monday, September 14, 2009

You know you've had a chilled day when...

craft table

1. All your tea and coffee cups have been used and are sitting by sitting by the sink waiting for you.

2. There aren't any dirty plates or cutlery because all you've really eaten all day is that delicious banana cake on the bench.

3. Your happiest moment all day was when you discovered the honey dumplings and shortbread from the Greek cake stall you bought yesterday.

4. The most strenuous thing you've had to do is walk to the video shop.

5. The first bit of sewing you did all day was at 5pm when you realised it was 5pm, just after that afternoon nap.

6. The most intense thing you've had to think about all day is how Peggy Olsen really pulled herself together after the pregnancy...

And I'm still feeling all sleepy and ready for an early night...


1 comment:

curlypops said...

Now that sounds like a lovely day!