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I love babushka dolls, I really honestly do... I have loved them ever since I was a little girl-- I remember quite vividly when my Grandfather got back from Russia when I was about 7 and he gave my cousin and aunty babushka dolls, and I got some other funny doll that my cousin eventually broke (before tearing up the wonderful Russian wrapping paper they all came in... ) I think that that's when I first decided they were truly awesome, and I wanted one SO MUCH! And my heart sank yesterday when I accidently vacuumed up my 2 smallest babushka babies due to a lazy dusting incident, and I was super relieved when Joe pulled the vacuum bag to pieces to rescue them...
Despite my strange adoration for a funny little doll which doesn't really seem make sense to me, the fact that they seem to be EVERYWHERE right now, and that all I have to do to sell a doll is add some babushka fabric (and it's gone in like 2 minutes!) my rebellious nature is urging me to boycott them... to move onto some other awesome thing... like when I dyed my hair black with red streaks because everyone had red with black streaks, or the time I decided to get wire frame glasses again because plastic where becoming too passée... but I love them and I don't want to boycott them.
Oh dear. What a dilemma...
Oh, yes, the eternal dilemma. I find myself doing that too. There are things that I've simply always liked and not just because they're currently trendy. But then if they're trendy I don't want to appear to be doing them just because, and I'm annoyed at the glut of them to be found everywhere (especially by people who I self-importantly assume surely cannot appreciate them like I do, harumph!), yet I can't give them up. I say, keep on liking them, because soon enough they'll be "out" again and then you'll have them all to yourself again. ;)
Ha, I know exactly what you mean.
I try to be happy when a pet love of mine becomes "in" - I console myself with the knowledge there will be a wider variety of products/whatever available because of its popularity.
I wonder what causes these feelings of resenting when "our" stuff becomes popular? I don't think it's only rebellion. Hmm, now you've got me thinking.
Oh me too! I have had a set of these dolls since I was little, a gift from my grandparents. I think I have lost one over the years but they sit proudly on my bookcase, a little faded and cracked, but still good as ever. I sew them too because I like them, they are an easy shape I must admit, and I also think that everyone else is in on it too so its hard to be original. My little revenge on the fad is that I try as much to stick to the traditional, detailed look as much as possible, modeling them on the real dolls, and not going with the contempory, simplified styles. Enjoy them, make them in your own style and ignore the commercialisation if you can (I think the same thing is happening with kokeshi dolls too...)
I do this too! I am totally bummed that Swallows are also the new thing, but I am now buying things and stocking up because the world will get over it and they'll be hard to find again :D
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