I'm getting very good at posting this Tuesday meme on a Wednesday... I don't mean to, Tuesdays just seem to be hectic around here... Anyhow, here it is, a wish list of awesome relaxing things that I could be doing or appreciating such as watching videos, reading books, cooking food, practicing painting pretty dolls, or at least looking them up on the web... but I am not. I am sewing. I have taken over the lounge room, including one of the lounges. I have a table, my machine, my embroidery thread strewn all over the coffee table, pattern pieces falling off the ironing board and floating around various crevices... since there is no dinning table, it makes eating a rather interesting time!

1. Big 'ol moon head Kokeshi, 2. chocolate biscotti, 3. viking art by sandra monat, 4. jane austen love
I do enjoy it though, and when I'm ironing the toys out just before the stuffing, I often catch myself smiling and even grinning-- I make cute stuff sometimes! With Mathilda's coming up in one and a half weeks, I'm getting a little stressed about having enough stuff. I sold out of blinkies on the weekend, which was not expected... eek! I have made 28 in the couple of days, but have no idea what to expect as I've never even attended a Mathilda's before... I figure it's better to be over prepared than underprepared!
Anyhoo, enough about me, pop over to Mitsy's to check out all the other mosaics, I really love the clouds that she used in her picture-- fabulous!! And I feel her 'no reading time' pain!
Ok, well once I find my camera under all this fabric I'll take some photos of what I've been up to! (I'm serious... I saw it a few days ago, so I know it's here... but where?!?).
:D Good luck on finding your camera!
Lovely mosaic :)
Relaxation and food seem to a be theme this week.
Good luck with the making and the hunting.
Now I want to look at Jane Austen movies! LOL And re-read all her books! I love her work!
Your mosaic looks very calm although it seems like you are rather busy - that's a good thing! Keep cool & good luck at Mathilda's! :)
Oh, and it doesn't matter when you post your fav's - just whenever it suits you - I'm happy you're playing! :)
:=) Looks good...
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