I have been soooo busy sewing this week that I've hardly had any time to blog... I've been wanting to take photos the whole time, and this afternoon, I finally made time:

The reason for all the intense sewing is that I have an exhibition starting with Paper'n'Stitch on Monday, so I'll be even busier taking photos on Sunday... plus that Dew Drop Girl pattern is so close to being finished, it hurts! -- now I must finish up my tag making... and get packing!
Happy Friday-- I'll be at Glebe tomorrow, although I'm utterly confused about what the weather will be doing... it's about to storm here now after the hottest, crummiest day!
My goodness, these are just perfect! So cute! Well done for making your ideas come together so beautifully :)
Good luck for Glebe tomorrow, hopefully it's not going to be too hot for you and your treasures.
super, super cute! Goodluck for tomorrow! Hope you sell out!
Busy, busy! Hope you do well.
Oh, and the Meekoos are super cute!
The Meekoos are so adorable! I'm completely head over heels for them!
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