Jeepers! I've had a lot going on around here over the last week, well actually I really only had one thing going on, but it was big and time consuming! I did Eveleigh Artisans' Market yesterday, and I only got the call to confirm on Wednesday afternoon, which I really wasn't expecting, and so I had to make some stuff... a lot of stuff actually, because I had hardly any. Funnily enough I managed to really get a lot done, and funnily enough I still have a lot of stuff, I sold barely anything-- this wasn't so funny to me yesterday, especially since I was standing on a concrete floor in a shady, old shed with only 3 walls, and no way of getting warm, bored out of my mind! Meh... these things happen, and markets are a big fat gamble at the best of times.

People did seem to love this little guy though, not enough to take him home, but he got lots of attention all day long. I'll post more of my fantastic sewing escapade over the next couple of days, including some foxes, a little bear and some bunnies... a little animal kingdom seems to be emerging at my house!
He is a very cute little guy, reminds me of the character Skippyjon Jones in a children's book we have. Sorry the market wasn't profitable, but at least now you have lots of cute stock for the taking! :)
Oh no! What a shame they didn't pay off. Your softie is super cute. Hope he finds his new home soon. :)
oh i kind of want him!
Oh he's my favourite so far. I love him!
What a cutie. Love it.
Don't worry, once people know you're there you'll get busier and busier. It's just impossible to tell if a day is going to be a good market day isn't it?
i lurrrrrve Mr. Be Brave. Are you going to sell him or more in your shop? I would love to have one!!!
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