Well actually I have been steadily making (and stuffing) toys all week long, but I thought I'd share some other crafty endeavours related to the most popular topic at our house at the moment... lots of them I made weeks and weeks ago, they actually helped pull me out of the spotless house syndrome I was going through in the first 14 weeks, where the lounge-room was clean and the fabric was all packed away. That's not the case anymore.
I had been making bibs for my market stall, and they were all from tea-towels and the like, but I've let my opping wane a little over the past couple of months and thought it would be good to use up some of those pieces that were too small for anything much, but too big to bin... and I found this piece of linen that I screen printed way-back-when...
Normally I think kids should stay well away from politics, but I just couldn't help myself with this lovely Propagandhi quote. The bib pattern is from here.
And a snuggler, which looks more like this, it's just that mine is folded in half! It's from my Lotta Jansdotter book. And I made it from summer-weight fabrics rather than snuggly winter ones. And some shoes from this here pattern.
And a doll's quilt. I managed to find a second hand toy cradle which Joe is currently painting up, this is my contribution. Inspired by this amazing full sized baby quilt. I found it through this awesome quilty post by Kelly at My Happy Little Life, and I'm three squares away from finishing a cot sized quilt inspired by the squarey one (second from the top) in that post, but those pictures are for another day!
And I'm sorry if I started too many sentences with the word 'and', now I'm an adult, I know that it's technically okay to do so, but in primary school, it was strongly shunned and I still feel a little pang of 'inappropriateness' whenever I do it!
So many great things piling up over there! I admire how much you're getting done. (I barely managed to finish an afghan for my first baby by the time she was one; my second baby has none!) ;)
Oh, such a lot of baby lovliness - thanks for sharing. AND, I also hate starting a sentence with 'and', we have the same affliction. :)
WOW!! completely awesome!
I love the political bib, and you know I think it's very true as well; I'm yet to meet a homophobic baby, kids have to *learn* that kind of prejudice. I think it's brilliant.
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