I'm 38 weeks now, and it's all getting very real. We have almost transformed our tiny little flat into a baby-friendly environment in a way I never thought we could or would. This has meant that I haven't used my sewing machine in weeks and weeks, and I've reduced craft-stash/hoarding by a whopping amount-- and despite one op shop slip up where I bought two old school chairs even though we only needed/wanted one, and had to give it back a couple of days later when I admitted this to myself, we have stopped accumulating! Joe has even thrown out lots of old half finished sketches, and finally done away with undergrad uni assignments from 1999!
In this spirit of organisation, I thought I'd share some of the free online tutorials and patterns that I have come across over the past little while. Some of which I have used, some of which I have used from books and then found free online, and some which I hope to use as soon as I get the chance, and as soon as I figure out what this baby will actually use- I'm a little scared to use up awesome fabrics only to discover that what I made with it is redundant.
Anyhoo, this is the link list:
And I'm also loving this free online art project which I've been admiring for years, but finally got around to using- it's called Feed Your Soul and it's put together by Indie Fixx. It is a great way to find exciting new illustrators with Etsy Shops too, and coincidentally Indie Fixx and Crafty Pod are having a big discussion about 'free' right this very moment on both their blogs.
I hope you find something you can use, and email or leave a comment if you have some good baby links!
ooo thanks for those links, just about everyone I know is having a baby this year including my two best friends! Lots of sewing ahead!
Oh my word that illustration is beautiful, look at that sweet soul! Thank you for the link list - some excellent ones there I have never seen before.
Awesome links! Thanks so much. 38 weeks! Exciting times.
awesome links...definitely some of my faves in there!
Hi rebecca,
I saw that you have me on your 'blog love' list ans im wrapped!
thanks so much for that.
I also love your colourful prisms- I adore that picture aswell, and have it saved in my inspiration folder.
Hope you have a lovely weekend and thanks again.
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