Friday, December 25, 2009

Hot & Not over the Christmas week:

Well, things would have been a little hotter if I'd been able to find my camera/computer chord during the 12 hours I spent inside my house this week... it's a mess and I've been super tired with all the traveling around the countryside. Up to Coffs on Sunday, back home on Wednesday, and out to Orange today!

I'd be able to show you some pretty pictures of the North Coast, of Bellingen and Dorrigo in particular, I'd be able to share the toy drops I did in Bellingen, Woolgoolga and Corindi Beach. I'd be able to show you the babushka doll measuring cup sets that my Mum and I gave to each other for Christmas-- completely by accident, I guess we just have good taste. Oh, and the awesome book entitled 'Let's Make Cute Stuff' by Aranzi Aronzo, not to mention, the copy of Extra Curricular that arrived in the mail last week, and which I read in my down time.

Lucky for us both, there is the internet, and I can share some of these things, and that is definitely hot!



Other hot things this week include:

1. Having 2 Christmases with 2 wonderful families! Lots of food, pressies and chilled-out-ness. Eating an awful lot of chocolate-- oooops!

2. Having fun laughing and being silly whilst driving around the place, listening to songs we hadn't heard in years by The Vandals and Propagandhi, and Lily Allen and Michael Franti. Being thankful for the time we have and missing important people who aren't around anymore in a positive-non-mopey sort of way-- they wouldn't want us doing that!

3. The last markets before Christmas-- I got so many presents from the stall holders, and have made so many new friends this year by doing these markets.

4. Sleeping in my own bed last night.

5. Watching the kids opening presents tomorrow! I like that part!


1. Scary North Coast driving-- the worst I've ever seen-- lazy, crazy, pushy, speeding, bullies.

2. Boastful, braggy, sickening, bizarre Christmas letters about grown up children-- OMG! Lets all brag about conforming!

3. Living from a suitcase... not so much fun!

Ok, well pop over to Loobylu for more Hot and Nots-- I hope this post makes sense-- I AM SOOOO SLEEPY! and about to crawl into my makeshift bed for the night.





Amy Woo said...

Oh my goodness those measuring cups are amazing! Me and my mum sometimes do that thing where we buy each other the same thing. One year it was personalised Harry Potter mugs (we are a bit obsessed!) and last year we both bought each other the exact same little compact mirror with an Edward Monkton poem on it, that was bizarre! I love that I am so similar to my mum, for she is very awesome!
A very merry Chistmas to you and yours!

Amy Woo said...

Oh and Happy Christmas! I see it is nearly 9am where you are, but it's only 9:40pm here! x

Amy Woo said...

Also, I would like to ask whether you pay for your Typepad account, because I am thinking of moving over from Blogger (as I have so many problems with it!) but it has only given me the option of one layout and I hate it! I wondered whether I was doing something wrong as all the other other Typepad blogs I read look like yours, but that doesn't seem to be an option on the free typepad blogs! I know looks aren't everything, but they are something!
Thanks in advance, I did a full on Google search for answers but came up with zilch!

Beecah said...

Hey Amy-- yes, I pay for my account, I have a 'Pro Plus' account, and it lets me do pretty much anything I want-- I started with a free account, and I can't remember about the formatting, sorry! I change the look inside the theme builder, and whilst it's all a bit different from blogger, I think it's better once you get used to everything, it especially takes a bit of getting used to with the libraries and typelists, and it's a bit annoying that you can't change the order of things inside typelists except for alphabetical or chonological, but they're my only complaints. I found the typepad help pretty useful to start with too. I think you can do a one month free trial.
And about blogger-- I found that I had heaps less problems whilst using it with Firefox than I did with Explorer or Safari. I had major issues there for a while-- I couldn't drag and drop page elements, and a bunch of other things I can't even remember anymore!
Hope you're having a lovely Christmas-- I've had a super intense family and extended family filled one, and am so happy to be back in my little flat after travelling around the countryside for a full week...

Amy Woo said...

Ok thanks for your help! I have bitten the bullet and signed up for the cheapest account. Yesterday I couldn't get anything to work and I was moments away from just hurling my laptop out the patio doors, but today I sat down calmly with a cup of tea and went through everything and I actually have designed quite a calming restful layout using the theme builder. I like it because it feels a lot more uncluttered than my blogspot page. I thought blogspot was easier to use, but once I got used to the language of Typepad it is actually quite simple to get things looking how you want them to!
Although, now that I'm paying for my blog, I am definitely motivated to post more often!

Bianca said...

Merry Christmas! Glad to hear you survived those North Coast Highways, they're full of crazy drivers. Those Babushka Measuring cups are such a good find! I'd never heard of them before. Hope Orange isn't washed out with floods. Safe travels.