I've realised that I know the beginning of a lot of nursery rhymes, but I don't really know the middle or the end of very many.

Luckily I have a grandmother who keeps things for 50 years!
I'm learning to try and live in the moment and what that actually means. I've given up on TV, on checking the news, on spending hours online, I'm just trying to do one thing at once, and I'm finding that when I do, it's all so much easier. Babies can detect multitasking and they don't appreciate it, at least mine doesn't.
I'm living in a routine and finding my zen, and it's pretty nice for it all to be so predicable after those crazy first weeks that were scary-unpredictable.
I've started cooking dinner in the day and freezing it so that our evenings are our own, and I'm washing up in little spurts so there isn't a million things after dinner. And I'm doing laundry in the same way- small batches, often.
The big things:
She laughs all the time!
She rolls sometimes!

And the really really really big news for us is that we are moving to the other side of town, closer to the beach... with a 3 month old who is just settling into a smooth pattern... and we are happy but a little terrified, but it really is time to get out of this ugly little flat!

And we will need to find a new place for every little thing...
Sounds like a very busy time for you guys. What a beautiful little girl you have!
It is funny to hear you say you do things in small batches - often. That is still the way I roll - three years after it started at three months. Hope the move goes smoothly.
oh, hi, i have not visited your blog for a while! i am glad i found you again with a new blog!!
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