But they are finished, and sewn together in that wonky, lazy way that would scare true-blue quilting types.
I also managed to start two new quilts along the way, both of which have come to a stand-still, the one below was just a way using up my left-over screen prints, and I decided to sew it together by hand, but considering how hot is was last summer and how enormous and impatient I became, it's still waiting for me to get back to it. I also managed to make 17 blocks of a 20 block quilt. I think they are lovely and I made them in a mad, obsessive rush, and then one day (in September) I stopped, and I don't even know where I stored them... but I'm sure they will make a lovely quilt some day...

Lucky I have a grandmother who takes quilting seriously, who can sew triangles perfectly and who takes orders.

Lucky me, and Lucky Elka!
Such a great collection! I especially love that second photo.
Your quilts are lovely! I particularly like the first one - the fabric combinations are fab!
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